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Why Detox?

Truth is, We live in a toxic world.

Toxins can hide in fertilizers, emissions, beauty products, skin care, cleaning products, perfumes, food, clothes, even toothpaste, just to name a few. The EWG did a study with 10 newborn babies in which they found an average of 200 chemicals within their bloodstreams*. The children were not even born and they already had those chemicals, which means their mother passed them down to them! Imagine - you’re already born with 200 different chemicals in your blood!

Additionally, most of us are continually exposed to many toxins both in the outside environment and even in our homes. These toxins accumulate slowly through life, until our detox pathways are overwhelmed or blocked and this eventually causes symptoms.

Nowadays, every single one of us has to support our organs to do their job efficiently and rid ourselves of accumulated toxins, if we want to live a long, highly energetic and symptom free life.

And when i say “energetic” & “Symptom Free” i mean..


Is this you?!

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  • You want to wake up energized and fully rested, ready to start the day!

  • You want to be able to eat the food you’re craving without being afraid of reactions

  • You’re tired of trying new supplements only to find out they’re not working

  • You’re sick of that bloating and those digestive issues!

  • You want to fall in love with your body again

  • You’re sick of searching for a doctor that will understand you, just to have him tell you there is nothing wrong with you and that it’s just going on in your head

  • You have been “dieting” for quite some time and you don’t get better - you even get worse over time

  • You want to learn to understand your body and its functions in a way you have never before

  • You are tired of being tired all day long - esp. after a meal

If this is you, you’re exactly who I created THE Daily Detox Academy™️ for!


Hi! I am Julie!

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I believe everyone deserves a chance to step up and change their own body. I am on a mission to provide you with the confidence and skills required to make a positive change one step at a time and transform your whole life.

This intensive online course will give you the tools and support to start on a healing journey that brings together the knowledge and strategies, with a mindset ready to effortlessly call in positive body awareness and restoration.

I have a strong balance between the knowledge of food intolerances (through my own story), body functions and the knowledge of what it needs for healing (w)holistically. My strengths work in harmony to provide you with the knowledge and support you need for your body to start thriving again. 


 What’s included?


Proven Method

This three-phase method will empower you to step into your role as a healer and transform your body into a restoration powerhouse able to make effective change.

Direct support

You will have frequent live calls, a community support network, plus direct private access to a communication channel with unlimited daily support.

Online Learning

You will have lifetime access to the curriculum through our Online Learning Portal, including any new content released in the future.


 + bonuses & work sheets

  • Group breathing session with special guest James Dowler

  • Meditation and affirmation recordings specifically tailored to get into deep restoration (parasympathetic) mode

  • Academy workbook

  • Elimination diet guide

  • Find your diet guide

  • Healing mindset worksheet

  • Food Mood Poop Journal template

  • Bristol Stool Chart guide

  • Anti-histamine foods list

  • Anti-inflammatory foods list

  • Food combining guide

  • Stomach acid guide

  • Detoxify your life guide

  • Leaky gut guide

  • Gut explained workbook

  • Parasite protocol guide

  • Foundational protocol guide

  • Oxalates foods list

  • Salicylates foods list

  • Autoimmune protocol guide

  • Find your triggers workbook

  • Find your diet guide

  • Food impact guide

  • Food as detoxifier guide

  • Liver phases guide

  • BULLS guide

  • “I Am Reacting To Everything” cheatsheet

  • “Are My Pathways Open”? cheatsheet

  • Drainage 101 guide


 The method

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PHASE ONE: DIET / digestion

Food can be your friend if you will let it. This phase is designed for you to get crystal clear on which foods are your friends and which aren't. We will tidy up the belief system around dieting and establish the reasons why it doesn't work long term.

We will also build a deep foundational knowledge about your digestive health, how you rebalance it and why we need to untox before we detox.


It's time to look at health differently. Healing starts with drainage and you are what you cannot release. Step-by-step, you will be given all of the knowledge and resources needed to know exactly how to start restoring your body.

That's why, in this Phase Two, we will go through these modules:

Understanding drainage

This phase will go deep into body elimination functions. We will cover the different elimination pathways and what they do in your body, and you will get the tools on how to start detoxing, even if you are extra sensitive. We will learn how to use different herbs and supplements for each of our different drainage organs.

your healing (aka detox) journey

This phase is designed to give you the foundation you need to understand what your body is going through while enhancing detoxification. We will break down the main tools we need to start opening our detox pathways naturally and learn what other aspects might be influencing your success.

getting into a healing state

Detoxing is not only about supporting your body and releasing toxicity and infections, but also about stepping into a healing state. Being in this state, your body allows you to step into recovery mode. We learn how and why the body reacts in certain circumstances (e.g. stress) and what tools we can use to lower our unconscious urge to stay in a fight or flight mode.

PHASE three: desire

Your body, no matter what kind of symptoms it shows or doesn’t show - has a reason WHY it acts a certain way. It has the desire to point you into a certain direction. This is fact. Your body always has a reason. Guess what - even if the modalities you were implementing in the modules before didn’t work - there would be a reason. This phase is shining a light on the way your body expresses itself.

Within this phase, you are prepared to navigate your health evolution long-term. We will go deep into all things limiting beliefs, emotional blocks, trauma and the unconscious mind. We are going to be activating and empowering the highest healing version of you so that you are ready to harness the power required to reach your personal goals.

Stepping into healing pulls at the core of who you are and shines a light on your beliefs and perception of self. Healing is one of the most powerful tools for self-development.

A successful detox is one thing, but knowing how to stay healthy after that with a repeatable system is the key to your success. Your chances to have restored your body the way you wanted just after detoxing for some time are pretty low. This phase will give you the roadmap to keep going, stay motivated, understanding your body, your belief-systems, your emotions, starting to heal trauma and turning your vision into reality - slowly but statically.


 What people are saying..

Reviews Julie Wehrkamp DDA

See what’s inside


Course Curriculum


 This is NOT for you if..


... you are super advanced at detoxing and listening to your body

… you are looking for medication, supplements and / or tricks that will work overnight

... you think one supplement will be the key to recovery

… you want someone to do it all for you


 This is for you if..


... you are struggling with your health and have already tried many things to get better.

... you’re looking to increase & keep growing your knowledge about your body

... your body & detox knowledge and skills to feel yourself ranges from complete beginner up to intermediate

... you want to increase your body awareness and overall energy

... you’re looking to master detox strategies and are happy to invest time and energy into the process to make it happen

… you can commit and be consistent for a longer period of time, even when you don’t see results right away

… you want to use or start using natural herbs & supplements instead of chemical medication to help you step into recovering


 What’s the investment?

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Daily Detox Online Course = $1487

All Your Bonuses = $487

All Your Tutorials = $487

Recorded Coaching Session with Special Guest = $379

Meditations and Affirmations To Step Into Healing = $60

+ Add-On: FB group community with people who are going through the same = priceless

+ Add-On: direct private access to a communication channel with direct access to your coach and unlimited daily support = priceless


Value = $2,900






Imagine the possibilities of what your life (and health!) will be like* after completing Daily Detox Academy:

  • The ability to generate an unlimited amount of energy in your body, for years to come

  • A life with the freedom to do whatever you dream of (hello travel!) because you can now trust your body to be healthy and balanced 24/7 even if you eat out in a restaurant!

  • The freedom to be with family and friends again - no missing out and staying home anymore!

*Assuming that you do the work ;)


Still have questions?


Q: How long is the course going to take?

A: The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. You also decide how quickly you want to produce changes in your body. You can implement them in your own pace.

Q: How long do I have access to the course? What if I don't have time to start right away?

A: You have LIFETIME access to the course which means if you don't have time to start right away, that's totally fine! It's also go-at-your-own pace, so you can take as much time as you need (and always go back to the content if you need a refresh!).

Q: When will I start seeing results?

A: If and when you will start seeing results depends 100% on your own commitment and your consistency. Inside the course you will find everything you need, but YOU will still be the one who has to do the work.

Q: What if this doesn’t work for me? Can I get a refund?

A: After helping Julie become completely healthy again - battling adrenal fatigue, Pre Diabetes, severe fatigue, histamine and polyols intolerance, severe burnout, we are confident that the strategies inside of our courses WORK (if you do!) and for this reason, we no longer offer refunds.

Please make sure you are 100% committed before enrolling - and we are happy to answer any questions you have to make sure DDA is the right fit for you beforehand!

E-Mail us at for help!

Q: What if I use a different currency than you?

A: The currency will automatically convert into your local currency when you purchase. If you're unsure use a currency converter on Google.

Q: Can I do the course if I have histamine intolerance?

A: The course includes specific foods lists for histamine intolerance and as detoxing is absolutely NOT only about food, you will learn all the needed information to recover from that too. Histamine intolerance mostly either is rooted in the gut OR in the liver, both of which we focus on deeply in the course.

Q: Can I do the course if I react to everything and am down to only 5 foods?

The course includes specific instructions on what to do if you react to almost everything. Although Julie is not an expert in multiple chemical sensitivity, she gives the needed information you need to start stepping into recovery. Many times for such severe cases, that includes rewiring the brain, retraining the subconscious mind and calming down the sympathetic nervous system, which is part of the third pillar of the course: DESIRE.


 Is this really for me?

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"Detox” is a misunderstood concept that goes beyond periods of fasting and shakes. It’s a lifestyle that can become easily accessible to you, too. 

This is a big decision, and it's normal to feel nervous! The end result could be LIFE CHANGING (like it has been for me).

But here's what I will say: If you desire to get more healthy, find the root cause, give your body what it needs, and learn to listen to it - that is ALL you need. I'll help you with the rest.

get started now!

And remember:

If You Can Dream It,

You Can Do It!