My complete review of the 3:6:9 Liver Rescue cleanse by Medical Medium!
My Experience
If you’ve never heard of this cleanse - check out this guy: Medical Medium (Anthony Williams), who invented it. It is supposed to help your liver flush out toxins, that have been stored for months and years. This is the reason why your liver can’t work on its full capacity anymore and therefore creates a whole lot of symptoms in your body (to get to know which symptoms that can be, read on!).
I started this cleanse pretty spontaneously - I decided to do it one day and went grocery shopping two days later. I don’t work well with schedules and if I had scheduled the cleanse long in advance, I would have failed.. #rebel ;)
It was quite a challenge to get all the items together while grocery shopping and especially making a shopping list in advance. And SURPRISE - here comes the good part: I made one for you! And I also added my favorite tips for detoxing properly (in case you have a healing crisis - also known as Herxheimer Reaction) to make it through this cleanse. So in case you’re thinking about doing this, make sure you grab your FREEBIE below! :)
Grab your 3:6:9 Liver Rescue cheat sheet below! (included are a shopping list and my favorite tips to help you go through a healing crisis!)
How ever difficult it was to do the shopping and get all the items in advance, after completing this cleanse I must say - I LOVED IT! I went into deep detox for the last three days of the cleanse and even spontaneously stayed on it for one day longer!
Ok but now, let’s talk about what exactly the cleanse is, why I did it and what I experienced.
Why do we need to help our liver cleanse from old toxins?
If we want to make a difference on this earth, we need to be able to function. The problem is though, symptoms limit us. As Anthony Williams states in his book “Liver Rescue”, brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), irritability, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, anxiousness, acne, bloating, constipation and many more, are very often signs of a liver calling out for help.
“When it’s supported, your liver has the ability to release and withhold at will. If you get cold, your liver will create heat to warm you; if you get hot, it will take on heat to cool you. If you run a marathon, your liver will release every bit of stored glucose to help you cross the finish line. If you drink too much water and dilute your blood composition, your liver will absorb the excess water like a sponge. If you breathe in cigarette smoke, your liver will absorb the smoke’s chemicals from your bloodstream. If you eat a 12-ounce steak with French fries and chocolate cake, your liver will process and break down those denatured omega-6s and trans fatty acids to protect you. If you’re swimming in the ocean and a rogue wave starts taking you out to sea or a riptide pulls you under and won’t let go, your liver will release its storage banks of adrenaline to give you superhuman strength and a chance at saving yourself.” [“Liver Rescue”, Chapter 2: “Your Adaptogenic Liver”]
[…] “Envision your liver as a baleen whale and your blood as the ocean. If the ocean gets thick with sludge - think antibiotics, other medications, pesticides, fungicides, cleaning products, solvents, plastics, chronic dehydration, viral and bacterial waste matter, excess fat from unproductive foods, and more - it’s harder for that whale to pull in nourishment. Without ever getting a break, the whale can get sickly over time. It can become difficult for it to even come up for air.” [“Liver Rescue”, Chapter 1: “What Your Liver Does for You“, paragraph: “The Endangered Liver“]. That is exactly the same case for your liver.
And this is what your liver does for you:
Processing fat and protecting the pancreas
Glucose and glycogen storage
Vitamin and mineral storage
Disarming and detaining harmful materials
Screening and filtering blood
Guarding you with its own personalized immune system
Imagine - your liver is constantly doing this! It only takes some hours off during the night and if the job is not done, it even works over-hours! It doesn’t even have the change to deal with all the toxins, our over-loaded world keeps throwing at us!
A healthy liver is the ultimate de-stressor, the ultimate anti-aging ally, the ultimate safeguard against a threatening world. It’s key to mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.
After reading this, it was pretty clear for me, that I needed to do this cleanse. Not once, but several times. Here I am and I did it once. Next time soon to come. ;) If you want to know a little more about the liver and what this liver talk is all about you can read his post about this special organ here on Anthony William’s Blog.
What exactly is the 3:6:9 Liver Rescue Cleanse?
The Liver Rescue 3:6:9 was invented by Anthony William to make your liver gradually release toxins. It is a nine-day eating plan made up of three-day increments.
Day 1-3 you add in lemon water, the delicious apple sauce you see on the picture below, and cut down on fat.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Day 4-6 you add celery juice, liver rescue smoothie (see picture on top of the post) and liver rescue salad (see picture below), as well as tons of asparagus and brussels sprouts on top of apple sauce.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Day 7-9 you add spinach soup on top of all the above and also add in a juice day on day 9 (straight celery, cucumber - apple and a fruit juice)
Instead of describing exactly what you have to eat and do each day (you will have to read his book to get the accurate information), I will go straight to my experience and explain what you’ll eat along the run.
How do i prepare for the 3:6:9 Liver Rescue cleanse?
Make sure to consider some things some days in advance before you jump into the car to go grocery shopping! (Also download my Cheat Sheet, it will help you a lot!).
Make sure your local grocery store has frozen pitaya. If it doesn’t, make sure you order some powder in advance - I bought this pitaya powder from Amazon, as it is recommended by Anthony William.
Buy several papayas in advance, so that they can ripen until you wanna use them. Or do it like me - let them ripen in advance and freeze them in several portions to have them ready for the cleanse. If you can buy them yellow, they’ll be ready in 2-3 days. The green ones that get moldy as they ripen will take 7-10 days.
Buy sprouting equipment in advance, if you want to go with option B of the Liver Rescue Smoothie , which I did. I bought all my equipment from (including seeds) - and am especially satisfied with their Easy Sprouter. Sprouting is easy and adds so much nutrition to you diet - it’s something you should keep up with also after the cleanse! Watch my Instagram highlight about sprouting if you want to know more.
Make sure you have a powerful Blender available - I have a vitamix and my fiance and I love it so much! We couldn’t wanna live without it anymore. I got a great deal for it at Groupon - so keep an eye out there for offers.
Make sure you have a juicer available, best if a slow juicer, like the one I have: Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer. Or you can consider buying your juice fresh every morning at your local juice shop. Remember it should be freshly made to have its full potential.
I actually got into the habit of making two 16 ounces worth juice one day and fill it in glass bottles to have it ready the next day. Like this you can save time and make your juice only every other day. I am sure it will still have enough nutrients (Anthony Williams doesn’t agree here though).Make sure you have some sort of noodle spiralizer available - you need it for the spinach soup over cucumber noodles on days 7 & 8. I have this one!
Be prepared that you may have days you don’t feel well. Be compassionate with yourself. If symptoms are too much to handle, don’t be afraid to stop the cleanse. Everyone is different and you must do what is best for you. If you don’t want to stop the cleanse, but rather help your body get rid of toxins, make sure you get my freebie below - I included some tips on how to help your body get over detox symptoms!
We are all different and will have different experiences while on this cleanse. Don't compare yourself to others as this is YOUR journey. Honor your body and the process it is going through.
Why Did I personally want to do the cleanse?
After reading the Liver Rescue Book, I realized that SO MANY SYMPTOMS described in there are the same symptoms I have.
Type 2 Diabetes or unstable blood sugar
hot flashes
dark under-eye circles⠀
chronic dehydration ⠀
mystery heart palpitations⠀
chemical sensitivities⠀⠀⠀
food sensitivities⠀⠀
Also eczema and psoriasis, acne, weight gain, constipation are signs of a sluggish liver, which I - thanks universe - didn't get. At least not yet.
Can i do The 3:6:9 Liver Rescue cleanse when i have a histamine intolerance?
Short answer: Yes, you can.
There are options for the Liver Rescue Smoothie and the Liver Rescue Salad that don’t include banana (for the smoothie) or tomato (use option B for the salad). For the smoothie you’re going to use papaya instead of banana.
For days 7-8 it’ll be a little more difficult, as there is Spinach Soup on the menu. Spinach and tomatoes, which are both part of this dish, are high in histamine and tomatoes are even liberators, meaning that they will push your mast cells to release histamine. You may react when you eat this dish. If you’re still very sensitive to foods, I’d recommend swopping the spinach for kale or chard, arugula, or mache - of course always depending on personal preference, as well as tolerance. All these leafy greens are very highly anti-inflammatory and highly rich in minerals, salts & electrolytes, vitamin A, B, folic acid, healing alkaloids, disease fighting compounds, and micronutrients. You will want to feed your body these on days 7 & 8 especially! Make sure you also include tons of fresh cilantro, as cilantro is a mast cell stabilizer and highly anti-histamine. It may stabilize your mast cells in a blink.
If you’re still struggling with histamine release during the cleanse, feel free to reach out at :)
How was the cleanse for me and how did i like it?
Feel free to also watch my Instagram highlight where I walk you through the cleanse step by step.
Days 1 - 3:
For days 1-3 you add in lemon water, the delicious apple sauce you see on the picture below and cut down on fat.
Days 1-3 were actually not very different for me. As I went raw over night in August 2019 already and I was also cutting out fats until dinner, I didn’t have to change much.
Actually, for the three first days, nobody has to change much at all. Ok well, if you’re eating junk food all day long, then you may have to.. ;) You will have to cut out gluten, dairy, eggs, lamb, pork products, canola oil (ok, I realize that’s a lot for someone who eats a standard American diet! Sorry!). Also, you will have to reduce any radical fats (nuts, seeds, oils, coconut, animal proteins, etc.) by 50 % and wait to eat fats all together until dinner time. The aim for the first three days is to bring more fruits and veggies into your life!
So the first three days were not very difficult for me, although I struggled a bit with getting down all that lemon/ lime water (16 ounces in the morning and 16 at night! - I had to get up and pee up to four times a night!!). Regarding the apples and the apple sauce for an afternoon snack - I really realized how much I enjoy apples! Apples definitely found their way back into my daily routine now! The thing is only I have a hard time digesting them (polyols intolerance - if you know what I am talking about).
Apple Sauce - recipe from Medical Medium
Ok, that’s about it for days 1-3!
Days 4 - 6:
On days 4-6 you add in celery juice, liver rescue smoothie and liver rescue salad, as well as tons of asparagus and brussels sprouts on top of apple sauce.
The smoothie came out really delicious! After trying option A once and that came out all slimy and reallyyyyy like glibber, I sticked with option B ;). For option B, if you have histamine issues, just skip the banana and use papaya instead! As for the liver rescue salad - I was impressed by its tasty-ness! For this one, I sticked with option A, as I really have a hard time to digest cabbage. For the sauce, I just took the whole orange and put it into the blender, along with the other ingredients, instead of using only the juice of the orange. The amount of the ingredients for the liver rescue salad for me really lasted for two meals. It’s a seriously big portion!
Liver Rescue Salad, Option A - recipe from Medical Medium
Ok let’s get to how I felt. During these three days, I actually had difficulties to keep up with all the food you have to indulge in. I felt like my stomach was stuffed all day long and when I got to the next meal, I was really not hungry yet. I even skipped lunch the first day, because the smoothie made me so full and it took me forever to drink all the additional celery juice (don’t worry - you will get used to the celery juice taste).
Skipping the fat was not really difficult for me and it stabilized my blood sugar really well during these three days. Remember - fat clogs up your receptors and that’s why the insulin will not be able to function correctly anymore. That is the true reason for Insulin Resistance to occur.
Other than that, I felt pretty energized throughout the day and didn’t feel too many symptoms. Also, no histamine reactions whatsoever - not even with orange and so many tomatoes in the liver rescue salad.
Days 7 - 9:
On day 7-8 you add spinach soup on top of all the above and potatoes for dinner (along with asparagus & brussels). On day 9, there is a complete juice day. The juices for day 9 are celery, cucumber - apple and your preferred fruit juice.
The new staple part of these two days is the spinach soup. It - again - is a really delicious recipe! I was impressed by all the good food you get to eat during this cleanse.
Spinach Soup - recipe from Medical Medium
On day 7 and 8, detox kicked in and therefore Herxheimer reactions. I had the worst symptoms (starting in the afternoon on day 7), so let me give you an insight:⠀
headaches and tired eyes⠀
weakness and fatigue throughout the day, especially in the afternoon after lunch⠀
irritability (yeah, I'm pretty sure hubby had a reallyyyy difficult time with me ;))⠀⠀⠀
lighter sleep and need of more sleep (tracked with the Oura Ring)
muscle soreness
After day 8, there was day 9 of the cleanse! I made it! The last day was a juice day and I had 1 liter of celery juice, 1 liter of cucumber-apple juice and 1/2 liter of orange juice! I felt satisfied all day long, because I could have had even more orange juice, or even smoothie and with the apple and orange juice, the liver stays satisfied and the blood sugar stays stable.
But I really don’t think I was easy to handle these days, it felt like many old stored emotions were released these last three days. I seriously felt like crap. The headaches and tiredness was pretty bad and I had to lay down in my bed in the middle of the day. The detox symptoms even lasted longer than day 9, as I didn’t stop doing the cleanse right away.
If you expect to experience such harsh detox symptoms, make sure you grab my free Liver Rescue Cheat sheet - it’s full of tips of what you can do if you want to help your body get through this.
Positive Effects that came with finishing the cleanse?
Other than going through deep deep detox, there were some really good things that came with finishing it:
I woke up very refreshed and full of energy the last two days, after the detox symptoms had faded.
My body now craves celery juice every morning ^^ and I enjoy it a lot. I will definitely keep this healing juice in my diet.
My body now craves apples a lot too. And I love apples - we had so many apples in Germany hanging on the tress, that I have to get used to buying them in a store again :)⠀
My Insulin Resistance/ Type 2 Diabetes symptoms faded almost completely while being on no fat. I will keep going with no fat now and only very slowly slide it back into my diet, only while listening to my body very closely.⠀
Overall I am feeling more energized and less moody
What did i learn?
I actually learned a lot. I now have a deeper connection and appreciation to my liver (yes, maybe that sounds a bit woo-woo, but it’s true!).
What more:
steamed veggies can be detox powerhouses⠀
I love asparagus and brussels sprouts so much - should make them much more often!⠀
apples and raw applesauce is one of the most detoxifying foods you can eat⠀
even if you stuff yourself with food - if it's the right food, deep detox can happen!
Caring for your liver is SO important. I have now implemented some healing herbs from Gaia Herbs into my daily routine, for liver health. I am on their Liver Cleanse supplement at the moment and am planning to implement their Liver Health supplement afterwards.
I also learned that my liver, as expected, seems to be full of stored old emotions and toxins and there is still a lot of work to do! A next time will definitely come for this awesome healing tool!
No matter how bad my symptoms were - I will do this cleanse again. And if you’re still on the edge -
Just Do It!
And make sure you are well-prepared by grabbing my 3:6:9 Liver Rescue Cheat Sheet below! i Swear, This makes your life so much easier!
Included are tips and tricks on what to do when going through a healing crisis (also known as Herxheimer Reaction) as well as shopping lists for each phase (The 3, The 6, The 9).
Disclaimer: I am using affiliate links, which means that I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost for you) if you purchase an item through these links.
Thank you for supporting my small business, so I can continue to spread knowledge and information about health and wellness! (And please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning the products listed, I’ll be more than happy to help :))
Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.